Friday, February 27, 2015

Winter Training Blows!!!

I am going to try to stay updated with this blog. It's tough juggling all the different aspects of social media. I finally caved in and started an Instagram account; but no twitter. Lol. This winter has been tough. Last year we got more snow and plenty of cold but the whole month of February has been colder than it has been it many years. I've had to many runs on the treadmill because of cold and icy conditions. The toughest is when I had to do my 2hr 10 min long run, that was just awful. Spring soon come and will not be soon enough. This year I am really committed to hitting my sub-5 hour goal. It would be great to get it in NJ especially since the flat course will be ideal for it. The way this winter training has been set up, who knows. I just recently started get the 2015 race calendar together. Here it goes. April: Scotland 10K, NJ Marathon. May: 5 Boro Bike Tour, Air BnB Brooklyn Half. June: Niagara Fall's Women's Half, Oakley Mini 10K, Achilles Hope and Possibility. November: TCS NYC Marathon. December: Reggae Marathon 10K. Looking to add maybe the Trenton 10 K and the Rocky Run. Spring please hurry up!!!